Potency is a man's ability to have sexual intercourse, as well as his ability to conceive. It just so happens that the potency of the word means a normal erection.
Mostly, they talk more about male potency than female. Many men dream of having great power. If this is not the case, then psychologists say that a person may develop an inferiority complex when he feels insecure.
Sometimes the representation of strong sex has a twist on the concept of potency, and many people think of a mature man as when he is ready to have sex with any partner anytime, anywhere. However, the reality is quite different, and a sex marathon is beyond the capabilities of most men. That doesn't mean they're completely powerless, just that each body's physiology is unique.
You should know that the level of potency in men depends on many factors, both external and internal, mainly physical condition and relationship with partner.
When is it worth paying attention to potency?
Among the signs of diminished potency, experts say there is a significant drop in interest in sexual intimacy, lack of penile hardness during erection, no spontaneous erection at night or in the morning, diminished erection during intercourse and the inability to complete it.
However, even with all these signs, the situation is not critical and there are ways to increase and enhance effectiveness.
Some experts recommend exercises specifically designed to increase potency for this purpose, but this view is highly controversial. Meanwhile, all penis exercises can be found online, and there are men who say gymnastics like this help them.
Nutrition for Enhanced Potency
But there is a need to address the issue of enhanced effectiveness in a comprehensive manner. Let's start with proper nutrition. Products have been known for a long time, and using these products can increase potency.
First, it is recommended to start the morning with scrambled eggs. For maximum effect, onion should be added to it, which also helps to enhance the potency.
The favorite dish of most people with high libido - meat can also increase male strength, but you should not eat too much. In the Caucasus, it is common for men to prepare a plate of ram testicles, with onions and eggs.
Don't give up the fish either. It also enhances male potency. As a side dish, it is best to choose vegetables rich in vitamins.
Tomatoes in particular enhance sexual activity. They say it is best to bake or stew in the oven for better results.
For added potency, you'll also need stewed seafood - oysters, rapana, mussels.
Nuts and seeds also increase sexual activity. It's great to add cilantro when baking.
Interestingly, in Asia, pistachios are considered a great way to boost potency, plus they also strengthen the heart. But in southern countries, sexual activity is stimulated with the help of figs. In folk remedies to strengthen the work of the gonads, the use of pine nuts is recommended, but in the Transcaucasus, libido is increased through fermented dairy products, especially brewed tea or coffee.
As for the use of various drugs, be sure to consult a doctor before purchasing, otherwise it is easy to turn the expected effect into a health hazard.
Enhancing potency can be done in different ways, but choosing the best option best follows the physical and psychological characteristics of a man. Consultation with an expert is recommended. You need to be careful when it comes to such delicate issues as increasing male power.